DEMAGNETIZER: TC-4 230V 400 X 300 X 100MM
* Heat, friction and magnetic particle inspection can cause magnetism to build up in your components
* If not removed, it will attract ferrous materials in engine lubrication and may cause premature failure
* This easy-to-use table demagnetizer is a fast easy way to ensure that all residual magnetism is eliminated from components
* Heat, friction and magnetic particle inspection can cause magnetism to build up in your components
* If not removed, it will attract ferrous materials in engine lubrication and may cause premature failure
* This easy-to-use table demagnetizer is a fast easy way to ensure that all residual magnetism is eliminated from components
* This demagnetizer is 110v and does not come wih transformer but we do have 230v x 110v in stock
DEMAGNETIZER: CT-2 230V 220 X 160 X 90MM
* Heat, friction and magnetic particle inspection can cause magnetism to build up in your components
* If not removed, it will attract ferrous materials in engine lubrication and may cause premature failure
* This easy-to-use table demagnetizer is a fast easy way to ensure that all residual magnetism is eliminated from components
DEMAGNETIZER: HD-200 195 x 140 x 90MM 230V
* Heat, friction and magnetic particle inspection can cause magnetism to build up in your components
* If not removed, it will attract ferrous materials in engine lubrication and may cause premature failure
* This easy-to-use table demagnetizer is a fast easy way to ensure that all residual magnetism is eliminated from components
DEMAGNETIZER: HD-500 220V 585 X 385 X 285MM
* Heat, friction and magnetic particle inspection can cause magnetism to build up in your components
* If not removed, it will attract ferrous materials in engine lubrication and may cause premature failure
* This easy-to-use table demagnetizer is a fast easy way to ensure that all residual magnetism is eliminated from components
* This is a super powerful model with large table
* Effective demagnettizing range is 400mm with thickness to 110mm
* Alaso available in 3 phase
DEMAGNETIZER: HD-600 220V 600 X 400 X 100MM
* Heat, friction and magnetic particle inspection can cause magnetism to build up in your components
* If not removed, it will attract ferrous materials in engine lubrication and may cause premature failure
* This easy-to-use table demagnetizer is a fast easy way to ensure that all residual magnetism is eliminated from components
* This is a super powerful model with large table
* Effective demagnettizing range is 400mm with thickness to 110mm
* Alaso available in 3 phase